Copy the Content from the Original Post When Using WordPress Polylang Plugin

If we have a website built with WordPress and we want to add multi-language support to it, one of the best free plugins we can use in WordPress is Polyang.

When using the free version of the Polylang plugin, we will see that the translation does not come with the original content when we want to translate blog posts or web pages. To solve this, we need to copy the following code blocks into the theme’s functions.php file.

// Copying content when creating a translation with Polylang
function jb_editor_content( $content ) {
// Polylang sets the 'from_post' parameter
    if ( isset( $_GET['from_post'] ) ) {
        $my_post = get_post( $_GET['from_post'] );
        if ( $my_post )
            return $my_post->post_content;

    return $content;
add_filter( 'default_content', 'jb_editor_content' );

// Copying content when creating a translation with Polylang
function jb_editor_title( $title ) {
// Polylang sets the 'from_post' parameter
    if ( isset( $_GET['from_post'] ) ) {
        $my_post = get_post( $_GET['from_post'] );
        if ( $my_post )
            return $my_post->post_title;

    return $title;
add_filter( 'default_title', 'jb_editor_title' );